Sunday 7 August 2011

First grump!

I sometimes wonder whether or not this country...this government, really have the will to put things right. David Cameron wanted an American police chief to be allowed to put his name forward for the post of our own police supremo. Our Home Secretary, (a really useless and obtuse woman; who has, so far, not had a single bright idea) vetoed the proposition. So this very clever and determined man, who practically cleared crime from his own city streets, will not be able to add his ideas toward getting some sort of law and order to our cities and towns.

Questions arise from this. Does Cameron allow his cabinet ministers to say no to something he wants to be seriously considered? Who is in charge here? Does Mr Cameron (of whom I had such high hopes) really desire to crack down on crime, any more than the previous Labour lot wanted to? We'll have to wait and see. Meanwhile, if you are out on the streets at night and you get mugged or attacked, don't hit back. You could get yourself arrested!

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