Tuesday 9 August 2011

The Police

Sometimes I niggle at the police and other times I feel for them. Take what's happening in and around London just now. Violence, thuggery, looting and arson, where the culprits don't give two hoots for the danger they are inflicting on innocent citizens. And what do we hear? The police were unable to control the mobs, didn't stop the looting, yap, yap, yap. Imagine if they had got steamed in, corralled the yobs and tear gassed them, kick their backsides and sent them home or to Casualty. There would have been uproar from the appeasers. The police over reacted! Used too much force! You've heard it all before.
All I can say is we had better make up our minds if we want a strong and effective police force or not. If not, then we will have to accept that the anarchy and lawlessness we are seeing now will get worse.

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